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We partner with agencies, researchers, and funders who focus on young people, from early childhood development through services for teens.  We help our clients access the voices of young people and those close to them to develop high-impact, successful initiatives.

Featured Projects


NYS PROMISE Sustainable Transition Planning for Youth Receiving Supplemental Security Income: We facilitated the collaborative development of a strategic framework and measurement approaches in order to build a comprehensive system of transition support in New York State with measurable impact.


National Institutes of Justice: We worked with young people from all over the country to define healthy and unhealthy relationships, producing a common understanding of adolescent relationship features from their own perspective.  The NIJ used the results to support policy and programs.

Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation: We engaged over 16,000 teens to tell us what they want to do afterschool, guiding the RCWJRF in developing their afterschool funding strategy, and are supporting the RCWJRF in connecting with teens and communities to develop initiatives and programs that truly meet teens’ needs.

United Way of Delaware: We developed a unique combination of evaluation strategies for the UWDE’s statewide strategic initiative to promote developmental assets for youth.  This multi-level evaluation focused on sustainability of systems and networks, collective impact, and stakeholder involvement.

The Casey Family Foundation: We supported the Foundation to create a practice framework for public child welfare teams to test ideas addressing disproportionality and disparate outcomes for children and families of color in the child welfare system.

“The best thing about working with CSI was the staff! They are all such fabulous, smart, hard-working people, and I really hope we work with them again in the near future.”

– Michelle Podolec, Project Coordinator, Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability, Cornell University

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